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As we age our faces tend to naturally lose fat. Lines and wrinkles become more noticeable and the elasticity of the skin decreases causing it to stretch and lose volume. Luckily there are cosmetic solutions like injectable fillers Restylane that will work to help diminish any lines or wrinkles you suffer from and restore fullness to your face.

Restylane is sterile, clear gel that was made in a lab to act like the body’s own hyaluronic acid to help reduce wrinkles in the face. It is the safest of all fillers that are currently on the market since it contains no animal or human DNA and can be used to treat both moderate and severe folds or wrinkles. Depending on what area of your body you want to treat results last 6-12 months. Injectable fillers are not a permanent solution so if you want the results to last you will need to go in for more injections in the future. How often will depend on your medical history, the area you want to be treated and the type of filler you use.

Restylane and Perlane are both considered dermal fillers approved for the treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds such as around the mouth. Composed of hyaluronic acid, a naturally-occurring skin substance that decreases over time, they both odd volume within the skin non-surgically and typically last 6-12 months. They have been used successfully for years, providing a more youthful appearance. Restylane works particularly well for fine lines and lip augmentation, while Perlane is better for deeper sculpting and volumizing. As with any filler, patients should be off of all anti-coagulant medicines (including aspirin, baby aspirin, Motrin, naprosyn, fish oil, vitamin E and herbal supplements) for 10 days prior to the procedure to lessen the risk of bruising.

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