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Photodynamic therapy (PDT) utilizes a medication activated by light.  PDT is effective for treating precancerous lesions (actinic keratoses), improving skin tone and erasing sun damage. In PDT a topical (on the skin) solution works in conjunction with a blue light, or intense pulsed light source.  This treatment acts by eliminating sun damaged and precancerous cells as well as shrinking sebaceous glands damaged by the sun.

The Procedure

Dr. Cavalli uses aminolevulinic acid and a blue light. Dr. Cavalli typically recommends 2 to 3 treatments spaced a month apart. After the skin is thoroughly cleansed the aminolevulinic acid (ALA) is applied and then there is an incubation period lasting 60-90 minutes, during which time people will usually bring some reading, knitting, or other work. After the incubation period the ALA is washed off and blue light is shone on the treatment area for about 17 minutes. Some people experience a tingling sensation or a mild burning or warmth while the light is shining. Most people look mildly pink for a day, although many have no redness at all. It is rare but some people can have a robust reaction with swelling, redness, and peeling for 2 to 3 days. This treatment kills off over 80% of cancer cells in the area treated. It is usually performed on the face but the scalp, chest, arms, and legs are also not infrequently treated. For severe cases this treatment can be combined with topical 5-flourouracil cream for added efficacy. As with any light procedure, it is mandatory that any photosensitizing medications and supplements be stopped prior to treatment. Dr. Cavalli and her staff will discuss which medications are safe to use with this treatment.

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